Bernie Masters is a geologist/zoologist who spent 8 years as a member of the Western Australian Parliament. Married to Carolina since 1976 and living in south west WA, Bernie is involved in many community groups. This blog offers insights into politics, the environment and other issues that annoy or interest him. For something completely different, visit for information about vegetated floating islands - the natural way to improve water quality.
What’s Driving the Influx of Migrants and Refugees to the West?
Davis Hanson
June 4,
Tuscany -
Northern and central Italy are not on the southern Mediterranean. But somehow
thousands of refugees from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East are everywhere
here - as is true of much of the European Union. Some sleep on park benches.
Many peddle knock-off electronic goods and counterfeit watches. Angry Italians
shoo away refugee beggars from tour groups.
The Greek
islands near the coast of Turkey are likewise flooded this summer with
dispossessed refugees from countries such as Afghanistan and Syria. Apparently
a bankrupt Greek government lacks the resources to patrol its vast coastline.
Some beleaguered Greeks assume that thousands of boat people and homeless
refugees will eventually leave their makeshift camps and head northward to the wealthier
homelands of Greece’s Northern European creditors.
A similar
rush has overwhelmed America’s southern border. In the last two years, tens of
thousands of Central American and Mexican citizens have sensed that the Obama
administration has suspended border enforcement. Illegal entry into the United
States won’t result in punishment, but instead in an array of social services
unimaginable in Latin America.
So, what
explains this constant rush of the world’s poor families into the West? And why
aren’t China, Russia, Iran, and Cuba, for example, flooded with illegal
The human
exodus to Western countries is not always explained by a lack of natural wealth
elsewhere. Iraq and Venezuela, for example, are awash in oil. Mexico has lots
of oil, minerals, and fertile soil. Wars may have driven scores of Afghans,
North Africans, and Syrians from their homelands to the West, but most of Latin
America is at relative peace.
allure of the West is certainly not due to Europeans’ and Americans’ constantly
brainwashing the world about their supposedly superior culture. Just the
opposite is true. American media and universities constantly harangue about the
race, class, and gender shortcomings of Western civilization. President Obama
has retold countless Western historical sins and offered apologies for them
while abroad.
Nor are
Western economies currently booming and thus short of labor. The European Union
faces massive debt. America never quite recovered from the Great Recession of
2008–09 and is currently experiencing negative economic growth. Many immigrants
arrive without expectation of joining the labor force.
Nor do
millions of refugees hear nice things about the West from their own
governments. Refuges flood the West not just for economic opportunity but also
for Western-style freedom. State media throughout Latin America routinely trash
Yanqui neo-imperialism and arrogance. The Middle East is one big anti-American
megaphone that constantly ridicules Western decadence as the antithesis of
Islamic decorum.
So why,
then, do millions risk their lives to get into America, Europe, and other
Western nations by hook or by crook? The Western poor enjoy a level of state
support and access to technology, health care, and security that would make
them relatively rich in the Third World. Even a poor foreign-born peddler in
Florence, Italy, has access to clean water and is safe in a way unknown to most
residents of Syria or Afghanistan.
In the
West, sexism means something like the glass ceiling that makes it harder for
professional women with children to match the career trajectories of their
alpha corporate male counterparts. Not so in the non-West, where women are not
always even guaranteed a right to vote or to divorce. At worst, gender bias is
a matter of genital mutilation, arranged marriages, and sexual slavery.
demonstrate over the right to marry in the West; in Iran they can be stoned to
death. There may be riots in Baltimore and soccer thuggery in Britain. But that
is child’s play in comparison to the medieval environment elsewhere in the
world. Boko Haram has carried out massacres and other atrocities in North
Africa. The Islamic State films its near-daily prehistoric beheadings. Critics
of the North Korean government end up dead.
flood the West not just for economic opportunity but also for Western-style
freedom. The state restricts free speech in China and in much of the Middle
East. Academics in the West may preach past U.S. sins to impressionable 18-year-old
students. But refugees from Latin America assume that once they cross the
border into the U.S., they will have freedoms, legal protections, compassionate
social services - and respect - of the sort that is impossible at home.
have decided that it is far better to be immigrants of illegal status in
America than native-born citizens inside Mexico. What, then, explains the
magnetic attraction of the often-criticized West? Add up the right to free
expression, human rights, religious tolerance, constitutional government, an
independent judiciary, separation of church and state, free-market economics
and the protection of private property - and everyday life becomes simply far
There is
one final irony. The richer, freer, and more technologically pampering that
life becomes for self-critical native Westerners, the whinier they become - as
if their West is not good because it is not perfect.
Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford
University, and the author, most recently, of The Savior Generals.
Tuesday, September 08, 2015
The Crisis of the Middle Class and American Power
Editor's Note:To mark Labor Day, we
are republishing Stratfor founder George Friedman's essay on how the
American middle class — one of the country's core values — is steadily
losing ground. This analysis was originally published in January 2013,
when unemployment in the United States was hovering around 8 percent and
recovery from the 2008-2009 financial crisis was still tenuous.
Bernie's comment: there are many similarities between the USA and Australia. While the differences are not unimportant, one has to ask whether Australia is traveling down a similar path to the USA and, if so, how long until the nation's social cohesion begins to unwind.
By George Friedman
When I wrote about the crisis of unemployment in Europe,
I received a great deal of feedback. Europeans agreed that this is the
core problem while Americans argued that the United States has the same
problem, asserting that U.S. unemployment is twice as high as the
government's official unemployment rate. My counterargument is that
unemployment in the United States is not a problem in the same sense
that it is in Europe because it does not pose a geopolitical threat. The
United States does not face political disintegration from unemployment,
whatever the number is. Europe might.
At the same time, I would agree that the United States
faces a potentially significant but longer-term geopolitical problem
deriving from economic trends. The threat to the United States is the
persistent decline in the middle class' standard of living, a problem
that is reshaping the social order that has been in place since World
War II and that, if it continues, poses a threat to American power.
The Crisis of the American Middle Class
The median household income of Americans in 2011 was $49,103.
Adjusted for inflation, the median income is just below what it was in
1989 and is $4,000 less than it was in 2000. Take-home income is a bit
less than $40,000 when Social Security and state and federal taxes are
included. That means a monthly income, per household, of about $3,300.
It is urgent to bear in mind that half of all American households earn
less than this. It is also vital to consider not the difference between
1990 and 2011, but the difference between the 1950s and 1960s and the
21st century. This is where the difference in the meaning of middle
class becomes most apparent.
In the 1950s and 1960s, the median income allowed you to live with a
single earner — normally the husband, with the wife typically working as
homemaker — and roughly three children. It permitted the purchase of
modest tract housing, one late model car and an older one. It allowed a
driving vacation somewhere and, with care, some savings as well. I know
this because my family was lower-middle class, and this is how we lived,
and I know many others in my generation who had the same background. It
was not an easy life and many luxuries were denied us, but it wasn't a
bad life at all.
Someone earning the median income today might just pull this off, but
it wouldn't be easy. Assuming that he did not have college loans to pay
off but did have two car loans to pay totaling $700 a month, and that
he could buy food, clothing and cover his utilities for $1,200 a month,
he would have $1,400 a month for mortgage, real estate taxes and
insurance, plus some funds for fixing the air conditioner and
dishwasher. At a 5 percent mortgage rate, that would allow him to buy a
house in the $200,000 range. He would get a refund back on his taxes
from deductions but that would go to pay credit card bills he had from
Christmas presents and emergencies. It could be done, but not easily and
with great difficulty in major metropolitan areas. And if his employer
didn't cover health insurance, that $4,000-5,000 for three or four
people would severely limit his expenses. And of course, he would have
to have $20,000-40,000 for a down payment and closing costs on his home.
There would be little else left over for a week at the seashore with
the kids.
And this is for the median. Those below him — half of all households —
would be shut out of what is considered middle-class life, with the
house, the car and the other associated amenities. Those amenities shift
upward on the scale for people with at least $70,000 in income. The
basics might be available at the median level, given favorable
individual circumstance, but below that life becomes surprisingly
meager, even in the range of the middle class and certainly what used to
be called the lower-middle class.
The Expectation of Upward Mobility
I should pause and mention that this was one of the fundamental causes of the 2007-2008 subprime lending crisis.
People below the median took out loans with deferred interest with the
expectation that their incomes would continue the rise that was
traditional since World War II. The caricature of the borrower as
irresponsible misses the point. The expectation of rising real incomes
was built into the American culture, and many assumed based on that that
the rise would resume in five years. When it didn't they were trapped,
but given history, they were not making an irresponsible assumption. American history
was always filled with the assumption that upward mobility was
possible. The Midwest and West opened land that could be exploited, and
the massive industrialization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
opened opportunities. There was a systemic expectation of upward
mobility built into American culture and reality.
The Great Depression was a shock to the system, and it wasn't solved
by the New Deal, nor even by World War II alone. The next drive for
upward mobility came from post-war programs for veterans, of whom there
were more than 10 million. These programs were instrumental in creating
post-industrial America, by creating a class of suburban professionals.
There were three programs that were critical:
The GI Bill, which allowed veterans to go to college after the
war, becoming professionals frequently several notches above their
The part of the GI Bill that provided federally guaranteed mortgages
to veterans, allowing low and no down payment mortgages and low
interest rates to graduates of publicly funded universities.
The federally funded Interstate Highway System, which made access to
land close to but outside of cities easier, enabling both the dispersal
of populations on inexpensive land (which made single-family houses
possible) and, later, the dispersal of business to the suburbs.
There were undoubtedly many other things that contributed to
this, but these three not only reshaped America but also created a new
dimension to the upward mobility that was built into American life from
the beginning. Moreover, these programs were all directed toward
veterans, to whom it was acknowledged a debt was due, or were created
for military reasons (the Interstate Highway System was funded to enable
the rapid movement of troops from coast to coast, which during World
War II was found to be impossible). As a result, there was consensus
around the moral propriety of the programs.
The subprime fiasco was rooted in the failure to understand that the
foundations of middle class life were not under temporary pressure but
something more fundamental. Where a single earner could support a middle
class family in the generation after World War II, it now took at least
two earners. That meant that the rise of the double-income family
corresponded with the decline of the middle class. The lower you go on
the income scale, the more likely you are to be a single mother. That
shift away from social pressure for two parent homes was certainly part
of the problem.
Re-engineering the Corporation
But there was, I think, the crisis of the modern corporation.
Corporations provided long-term employment to the middle class. It was
not unusual to spend your entire life working for one. Working for a
corporation, you received yearly pay increases, either as a union or
non-union worker. The middle class had both job security and rising
income, along with retirement and other benefits. Over the course of
time, the culture of the corporation diverged from the realities, as
corporate productivity lagged behind costs and the corporations became
more and more dysfunctional and ultimately unsupportable. In addition,
the corporations ceased focusing on doing one thing well and instead
became conglomerates, with a management frequently unable to keep up
with the complexity of multiple lines of business.
For these and many other reasons, the corporation became increasingly
inefficient, and in the terms of the 1980s, they had to be
re-engineered — which meant taken apart, pared down, refined and
refocused. And the re-engineering of the corporation, designed to make
them agile, meant that there was a permanent revolution in business.
Everything was being reinvented. Huge amounts of money, managed by
people whose specialty was re-engineering companies, were deployed. The
choice was between total failure and radical change. From the point of
view of the individual worker, this frequently meant the same thing:
unemployment. From the view of the economy, it meant the creation of
value whether through breaking up companies, closing some of them or
sending jobs overseas. It was designed to increase the total efficiency,
and it worked for the most part.
This is where the disjuncture occurred. From the point of view of the
investor, they had saved the corporation from total meltdown by
redesigning it. From the point of view of the workers, some retained the
jobs that they would have lost, while others lost the jobs they would
have lost anyway. But the important thing is not the subjective
bitterness of those who lost their jobs, but something more complex.
As the permanent corporate jobs declined, more people were starting
over. Some of them were starting over every few years as the agile
corporation grew more efficient and needed fewer employees. That meant
that if they got new jobs it would not be at the munificent corporate
pay rate but at near entry-level rates in the small companies that were
now the growth engine. As these companies failed, were bought or shifted
direction, they would lose their jobs and start over again. Wages
didn't rise for them and for long periods they might be unemployed,
never to get a job again in their now obsolete fields, and certainly not
working at a company for the next 20 years.
The restructuring of inefficient companies did create substantial
value, but that value did not flow to the now laid-off workers. Some
might flow to the remaining workers, but much of it went to the
engineers who restructured the companies and the investors they
represented. Statistics reveal that, since 1947 (when the data was first
compiled), corporate profits as a percentage of gross domestic product
are now at their highest level, while wages as a percentage of GDP are
now at their lowest level. It was not a question of making the economy
more efficient — it did do that — it was a question of where the value
accumulated. The upper segment of the wage curve and the investors
continued to make money. The middle class divided into a segment that
entered the upper-middle class, while another faction sank into the
lower-middle class.
American society on the whole was never egalitarian. It always
accepted that there would be substantial differences in wages and
wealth. Indeed, progress was in some ways driven by a desire to emulate
the wealthy. There was also the expectation that while others received
far more, the entire wealth structure would rise in tandem. It was also
understood that, because of skill or luck, others would lose.
What we are facing now is a structural shift, in which the middle
class' center, not because of laziness or stupidity, is shifting
downward in terms of standard of living. It is a structural shift that
is rooted in social change (the breakdown of the conventional family)
and economic change (the decline of traditional corporations and the
creation of corporate agility that places individual workers at a
massive disadvantage).
The inherent crisis rests in an increasingly efficient economy and a
population that can't consume what is produced because it can't afford
the products. This has happened numerous times in history, but the
United States, excepting the Great Depression, was the counterexample.
Obviously, this is a massive political debate, save that political
debates identify problems without clarifying them. In political debates,
someone must be blamed. In reality, these processes are beyond even the
government's ability to control. On one hand, the traditional
corporation was beneficial to the workers until it collapsed under the
burden of its costs. On the other hand, the efficiencies created
threaten to undermine consumption by weakening the effective demand
among half of society.
The Long-Term Threat
The greatest danger is one that will not be faced for decades but
that is lurking out there. The United States was built on the assumption
that a rising tide lifts all ships. That has not been the case for the
past generation, and there is no indication that this socio-economic
reality will change any time soon. That means that a core assumption is
at risk. The problem is that social stability has been built around this
assumption — not on the assumption that everyone is owed a living, but
the assumption that on the whole, all benefit from growing productivity
and efficiency.
If we move to a system where half of the country is either stagnant
or losing ground while the other half is surging, the social fabric of
the United States is at risk, and with it the massive global power the
United States has accumulated. Other superpowers such as Britain or Rome
did not have the idea of a perpetually improving condition of the
middle class as a core value. The United States does. If it loses that,
it loses one of the pillars of its geopolitical power.
The left would argue that the solution is for laws to transfer wealth
from the rich to the middle class. That would increase consumption but,
depending on the scope, would threaten the amount of capital available
to investment by the transfer itself and by eliminating incentives to
invest. You can't invest what you don't have, and you won't accept the
risk of investment if the payoff is transferred away from you.
The agility of the American corporation is critical. The right will argue that allowing the free market
to function will fix the problem. The free market doesn't guarantee
social outcomes, merely economic ones. In other words, it may give more
efficiency on the whole and grow the economy as a whole, but by itself
it doesn't guarantee how wealth is distributed. The left cannot be
indifferent to the historical consequences of extreme redistribution of
wealth. The right cannot be indifferent to the political consequences of
a middle-class life undermined, nor can it be indifferent to half the
population's inability to buy the products and services that businesses
The most significant actions made by governments tend to be
unintentional. The GI Bill was designed to limit unemployment among
returning serviceman; it inadvertently created a professional class of
college graduates. The VA loan was designed to stimulate the
construction industry; it created the basis for suburban home ownership.
The Interstate Highway System was meant to move troops rapidly in the
event of war; it created a new pattern of land use that was suburbia.
It is unclear how the private sector can deal with the problem of
pressure on the middle class. Government programs frequently fail to
fulfill even minimal intentions while squandering scarce resources. The
United States has been a fortunate country, with solutions frequently
emerging in unexpected ways.
It would seem to me that unless the United States gets lucky again,
its global dominance is in jeopardy. Considering its history, the United
States can expect to get lucky again, but it usually gets lucky when it
is frightened. And at this point it isn't frightened but angry,
believing that if only its own solutions were employed, this problem and
all others would go away. I am arguing that the conventional solutions
offered by all sides do not yet grasp the magnitude of the problem —
that the foundation of American society is at risk — and therefore all
sides are content to repeat what has been said before.
People who are smarter and luckier than I am will have to craft the
solution. I am simply pointing out the potential consequences of the
problem and the inadequacy of all the ideas I have seen so far.