Tuesday, May 07, 2013


Bowel cancer is an insidious disease, with 9,000 new cases afflicting men and women around Australia each year. 4,500 of these people will die of the disease.

To give an early warning of the possible presence of bowel cancer, Rotary started its Bowelscan program in 1982. Each year, over 150,000 kits are distributed to pharmacists around Australia where they can be purchased for $8.00, this charge reflecting the cost of producing the kit and the subsequent sample analysis.

Kits are now available at several pharmacists in Busselton, Dunsborough and Capel at the following pharmacies:

* Terry White Pharmacy, Busselton
* Discount Drugstores, Busselton
* Dunsborough Pharmacy
* Capel Pharmacy

Members of the public are encouraged to purchase a kit, provide a sample in the privacy of their own home and return it to a participating chemist. The sample will then be sent to a testing laboratory to analyse for the presence of blood, a possible indicator of bowel disease.

To date, more than 1,000 people with cancer have used the Bowelscan kits to give them early advice of their cancers. Another 5,000 people with bowel polyps - a common precursor to cancer - have been diagnosed as a result of submitting a Bowelscan sample.

Bowel cancer is the commonest internal cancer affecting Australian adults.

People with a family history of bowel cancer are at particular risk of contracting the disease and are the group most strongly encouraged to provide a Bowelscan sample.

The Busselton Geographe Bay Rotary Club is coordinating the distribution and collection of Bowelscan kits to pharmacists throughout the City of Busselton and the Shire of Capel.

More information can be gained from Rotarian David Eyres, a now retired local pharmacist - phone 0407 697 717.

Bernie Masters
Publicity Officer
Rotary Club of Busselton Geographe Bay
9727 2474
0408 944 242

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