Water bombing and magic bullets.
by Roger Underwood
Back in the summer of 1960/61, when I was training to become a forestry
officer, I was unlucky enough to be caught up as a firefighter in the
great bushfires of that year. In the Dwellingup Fire, three towns were
burnt out; a further town was burned out at Karridale, and in the lower
southwest a massive fire took out thousands of hectares of beautiful
karri forest south of Pemberton. This last fire was only contained when
it ran into the southern ocean near Windy Harbour.
It was in the
wake of these fires that I first began to glimpse the depth of the
ignorance about bushfires that was then, and is still today, evident in
Australian society.
This was demonstrated by a series of
letters to the editor published in The West Australian newspaper in
which well-meaning citizens proposed solutions to the bushfire problem
in south-west forests. Many of these suggestions were so outlandish as
to be laughable – for example, one writer urged the government to
construct low stone walls all through the forest, modelled on the
drystone walls he had seen on the moors of Scotland. Another advocated
the installation of a reticulated sprinkler system over millions of
acres of forest. How construction and maintenance of this system was to
be funded, and where the water was to come from, were not explained.
More recently I recall a Perth environmentalist proposing that the
government should station an army of firefighters permanently in the
forest throughout the fire season, day and night. They would be so
numerous, and so well placed, that any fire that started could be
attacked and suppressed within minutes of starting. There was no
suggestion as to how this army was to be recruited, trained, sustained
in the field and paid-for. Given that a fire in heavy fuels in the
jarrah forest, under quite normal summer weather conditions, can
escalate from a spot fire to a crown fire in about fifteen minutes, I
estimate that the number of firefighters needed to cover the two million
hectares of forest would need to be of the order of 4 million men.
And only the other day I read a proposal from a learned professor at
the Australian National University, that the entire Australian forest
estate be crisscrossed with parallel roads, two hundred metres or so
apart, allowing the intervening strip to be regularly subjected to
controlled burning, thus enabling wildfires to be contained in the
low-fuel strips. No thought was given to the cost of building and
maintaining the roads, especially in mountain country, let alone the
fact that it would not work. Fires in heavy fuels in eucalypt forest can
throw spotfires for kilometres, making any network of narrow fuel
reduced strips just as meaningless as a low stone wall.
modern equivalent of these stories are the calls for the government to
increase its fleet of aerial water bombers, specifically the gargantuan
DC10, or Very Large Air Tanker (VLAT). There are letters to the editor
nearly every day, supported by calls for more and larger aircraft from
retired politicians on talk-back radio, representatives of the aviation
industry and journalists. Water bombing aircraft are also beloved of the
uniformed firemen who dominate our emergency services, because they are
the ultimate expression of "wet firefighting". Wet firefighting is
fighting fires with water; uniformed firemen everywhere have been
trained to know it is the only approach.
Thus, the water bomber is seen as the magic bullet, the answer to the bushfire maiden's prayer.
Interestingly, nothing along these lines is heard from the land
management fraternity (of which I am one). We advocate fire prevention
and damage mitigation, with desperate firefighting seen as the last
resort, only needed when an effective land management program has broken
down. We understand that forest fires must be fought "dry", that is,
with bulldozers constructing containment lines. In this approach water
is used for mopping up the fire edge, not for constructing the edge,
which (in forest country) it cannot do. We regard the growing reliance
on water bombing as a foolish approach to bushfire management.
Here I need to pause briefly and remind myself of the cautionary words
of my father (who was a scientist, a philosopher, a teacher and a man of
great tolerance): “Roger,” he admonished me one day when I was sounding
off about something, “there is a big difference between being a fool
and being simply miss-informed”.
This is all very well. But when
it comes to bushfires, the misinformed are now in charge, or they are
subject to political influence and manoeuvring by lobby groups who have
no interest in effective bushfire management, such as the Australian
greens. Misinformation thus leads to foolish decisions, and these in
turn lead to bushfire disasters.
The calls for investment in
more and bigger aerial water bombers rather than in effective
pre-emption of bushfire damage is a classic demonstration of misinformed
people making foolish proposals. Every experienced fire fighter in
Australia (and in the USA and Canada) knows that water bombers can never
control an intense forest wildfire.
Consider these factors:
• Firstly, because of atmospheric turbulence and smoke, water bombing
aircraft cannot get at the seat of a rampaging forest fire; they must
stand off from the head, and then the drop is evaporated by radiant heat
well before the flames arrive;
• Secondly, in tall, dense forest,
the water drop often cannot penetrate the canopy in sufficient volume to
make a difference - it is intercepted by the tree crowns. This occurred
over and again in the recent fire in ash forest in the Otway Ranges in
Victoria - the water simply did not get to the ground.
• Thirdly,
water bombers cannot (or do not) operate at night and under high winds,
the very conditions when the most damaging forest fires occur. Three of
the last four towns to burn in WA, and both towns that burned in
Victoria in 2009, burned at night.
• Fourth, water bombing is
extremely dangerous for aircrew as the aircraft are operating at low
altitude, in uncontrolled airspace with poor visibility. It is only a
matter of time before there is a shocking accident and an aircrew
• Water bombing can also be dangerous to people on the
ground. If the drop from a Very Large Air Tanker is made from only
marginally too low, the huge tonnage of water is capable of smashing
houses and vehicles and killing firefighters;
• Fifth, water bombers
use vast quantities of fresh water, probably one of the most precious
resources in Australia, especially in Western Australia where the
current drought is over 30 years in duration and reservoirs and ground
water aquifers are drying up. Sea water could be used, provided the
tankers have access to it, but dropping salt water onto catchment areas
or farms would only add to the problems caused by the fire.
Finally, the whole business is obscenely expensive. The merest little
helicopter water bomber costs a dollar a second for every second it is
in the air, while the "Elvis" firecrane hired from the USA is about ten
times more expensive. The Very Large Air Tanker operating out of NSW
this year is said to cost nearly $50,000 an hour for every hour it is in
the air, and not much less when it is simply on standby on the ground.
And to this must be added the cost of the smaller aeroplane that flies
ahead of the VLAT to mark its dropping target.
I have no idea
what the "carbon footprint" of a VLAT is, as it has never been
mentioned, especially by the environmentalists who are so enamoured of
it, but it must be significant. I am happy to see a small number of light water bombers
stationed around the southwest, because they can do useful work
assisting ground crews in the control of relatively mild-intensity
bushfires, and under some circumstances can "hold" a fire in a remote
spot until the ground crews arrive, or can drench a house threatened by a
grass fire. What I oppose is the ramping-up of the business to the
extent we are now seeing in Australia, along with all the publicity that
suggests this is not just a good thing, but is the responsible thing to
do (when the opposite is the case). And I hate the sheer waste
involved, not just of dollars, but the futile dropping of precious fresh
water onto a raging forest fire, making not one iota of difference.
How well I recall the most recent bushfire in Kings Park in Perth. The
air was thick with water bombing helicopters and fixed wing aeroplanes,
dropping load after load of water, but the fire was only contained when
it ran into the Swan River. Remembering this reminded me of the words of
Stephen Pyne, the world's foremost bushfire historian and commentator:
"Air tankers are primarily political theatre, and only secondarily part
of fire control. They have their place. But they dislodge attention
from truly effective measures".
My frustration over all this is
made more acute by re-reading the analysis of the trials of the DC10
VLAT by the CSIRO. After a number of water dropping trials, the CSIRO
1. Most of the drops featured a distinct pattern of
break-up of the drop cloud in which a series of alternating thick and
thin sections could be seen. The resulting drop footprints exhibited a
corresponding pattern of heavy and light sections of coverage. Many of
the light-coverage sections within the footprints were observed to allow
the fire to pass across them with minimal slowing effect on spread
2. Two drops delivered in open woodlands (as opposed to heavy
forest) penetrated through the canopy and provided a good coverage of
surface fuels. One of these drops rained gently through the canopy under
the influence of a headwind. Another drop caused severe damage,
snapping off trees ...This drop could have potentially injured people or
damaged buildings....
The CSIRO scientists also looked at the
effectiveness of the DC10 dropping fire retardant chemicals in the
forest across the path of the headfire, a technique frequently
recommended by supporters of aerial tankers. They concluded that this
approach would only succeed for very low intensity fires, due to the
ease with which a more intense fire would spot over the retardant line.
Overall, the CSIRO's conclusion of this study was that:
on the evidence collected, this aircraft is not suitable for achieving
effective [bushfire] suppression under most Australian conditions.
Unfortunately, the CSIRO did not look at the Western Australian
situation, where there are significant operational constraints. As far
as I know we have only two airfields in the south west that the DC10 can
use - Perth Airport, where it would compete for airspace with passenger
jumbo jets, and the military airfield at Pearce which is well north of
the south-west forest zone, giving long ferry times between drops.
Furthermore, the operation of the DC10 requires a staff of over thirty,
most of whom are doing nothing for most of the time. During a fire
attack, the VLAT is led in by a second aircraft, whose job is to mark
the drop zone. This is further crowding the air space over the fire.
Turn-around re-fuelling and water or retardant reloading of the VLAT
between drops takes up to an hour on the ground ... by which time the
fire could already have outflanked the initial drop.
Despite all this, calls for the acquisition of a DC10 water bomber continue to come in thick and fast.
The explanation for this popularity was given to me by a Californian
fire chief with whom I became friends at an international conference on
bushfires in Washington in 2011. There was not a single bushfire
professional in the USA who supported the massive investment in aerial
water bombing that has occurred in recent years, he said. In the first
place it was known that they were ineffective on anything but a
relatively mild forest fire, and even then only operated as support to
firefighters on the ground. In the second place, their cost was so great
that every other part of the fire and forest management system had to
be sacrificed to fund them.
On the other hand, my friend
explained, the whole shebang had taken on a political and media life of
its own. Nobody cared whether or not it was cost-effective; the
important thing was that it made fantastic television and the
politicians and emergency service chiefs who ordered them could bask in a
glow of popular acclaim, and adulation in the media. City people, with
no bushfire experience or any understanding of the effectiveness of the
water bombers, are seduced by their glamour and drama. Water bombing, as
a friend remarked, is not firefighting but "theatre for the masses".
As I write, the support for water bombers in Australia is becoming
almost hysterical. The Gold Medal goes to radio compere Ian McNamara of
"Macca on a Sunday Morning" fame. He said it is a "no brainer" not to
have multiple air forces of water bombers stationed all over the
country, the more the better. This opinion is supported by the greens
who see the water bomber as a substitute for fuel reduction burning,
which they hate.
However, the most insidious contribution to
the water bombing issue comes from an alliance between the Australian
aviation industry and Australian journalists. The aviation industry sees
the ramping-up of aerial firefighting simply as good business. They
have no interest in its effectiveness ... their game is to sell or hire
more aircraft, and the bigger and more expensive the aircraft, the
better. And they need no advertising program! This is provided for free
by the Australian media.
The approach of the aviation industry
is reprehensible, but understandable, because it is the way salesmen and
business lobbyists always operate. What is not acceptable is the way
the love affair between journalists and aerial water bombers is leading
to terrible investment decisions by governments. Cost/effectiveness is
never discussed. It is enough that water bombers make grand television
and dramatic pictures. The West Australian newspaper these days rarely
has a photograph of a firefighter. Every fire story is accompanied by a
picture of a water bomber, sweeping in overhead and ejecting its load
of water. The West Australian also has aviation correspondent Geoffrey
"Biggles" Thomas, who writes a regular column. He is an unabashed
supporter of the aviation industry, and blatantly promotes investment in
more and bigger water bombers.
I realise I am wasting my breath.
With the adulation of the media, the lobbying of gullible politicians
by the aviation industry, the support from populists like "Macca", and
the influence of the greens and the uniformed firemen, the outcome is
foregone. By next summer Western Australia will be mimicking the
basket-case jurisdictions in Victoria and NSW, and will be acquiring
more helicopters, perhaps even the proven-to-be-useless DC10. All of
this will be funded by a multi-million dollar budget ... while at the
same time, resourcing of fuel reduction burning and other programs for
improving bushfire prevention, damage mitigation and townsite
protection, will languish.
I do remember my father's words - you
cannot call someone stupid who is merely misinformed. But in the
bushfire world I have seen, too many times, the dangerous outcomes that
flow when the misinformed make foolish decisions.
As I wrote elsewhere a year or so ago:
... the most fundamental tool of the bushfire manager is not the fire
tanker, the bulldozer, or even the water bomber. It is the match. The
only way to minimise fire intensity and damage is by reducing the amount
of fuel before a fire starts. Military people refer to this approach as
the pre-emptive strike … we call it fuel reduction.
I also
remind myself of the words of the great Victorian forester and
administrator Alf Leslie. He had a favourite saying: “When it comes to
public policy, stupidity nearly always wins”.
Never is this
better illustrated than in the way our bushfire authorities and the
greater community have been seduced by the glamour of the water bomber.
This is the ultimate in stupid policy: a publicly funded program that is
obscenely expensive but basically useless.
January 18, 2016
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